• Teaching suggestions • Learning support • Test and self-assessment test • Back-up and support • Answer keys • Classroom timetabling T E ACH I NG R ESOURCES In Word format in e-vocación PDA 9 …and for teachers Teachers´ library Teaching resources available on ANSWE R K E YS • Answer key for student book • Answer key for assessments SECONDARY 4 SECONDARY 3 SECONDARY 1 SHEET 1 REINFORCEMENT Essential knowledge HEALTH AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM CONCEPT MAP 1 Copy and complete the concept map. ACTIVITIES 2 Describe the types of non-infectious diseases and cite an example of each. 3 Write the route of the epidemiological chain. a. Which microorganisms are usually pathogens? b. What two types of transmission can there be? Give examples. 4 What are the types of primary barriers that our immune system has? 5 What is the difference between humoral and cellular responses? 6 List the types of medicines you know about. … … … … … Health Biological factors Environment Diseases Non-infectious Treatment … … … Acute Prevention Natural evolution … Healthy habits … The epidemiological chain Donor … … Primary barriers … Acquired … Cellular response 40 BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY 3 SECONDARY Content courtesy of . Physical redistribution and/or communication on the internet or on social networks is prohibited. SHEET 2 REINFORCEMENT Review HEALTH AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 1 Disease is an alteration of the organism that results in loss of health. Cite two diseases and indicate the type of alterations they produce in the organism. 2 Copy this table in your notebook and indicate which organ or system of the body is affected by the following diseases: Diseases Organ or system affected Conjunctivitis Arthritis Asthma Gastroenteritis Infarction Diabetes 3 What does it mean for bronchitis to be chronic or acute? 4 Look at the photo and indicate whether this is the correct way to cough.Why? Cite other similar measures. 5 What are vaccines for? Name three vaccinations you have received. 6 Look at the photo and indicate the preventive measures used when handling specimens for analysis. 7 Copy this table in your notebook and classify the following diseases as infectious or non-infectious: Diabetes,AIDS, myocardial infarction, tooth decay, gastroenteritis and lung cancer. Infectious diseases Non-infectious diseases 8 Of the following measures, indicate which are aimed at preventing infectious diseases and which ones are part of the treatment to cure the disease: Getting vaccinated, washing your hands thoroughly, taking paracetamol, taking antibiotics, using condoms and using fluoride toothpaste. 9 Avoiding risk factors is a way to prevent non-infectious diseases. Cite some risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction. 10 List some healthy lifestyle habits to improve our health. 41 BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY 3 SECONDARY Content courtesy of . Physical redistribution and/or communication on the internet or on social networks is prohibited.