User's guide AV4

◾ AULA VIRTUAL ◾ USER’S GUIDE ◾ SANTILLANA ◾ 7 How can I join an already-created class? Class code Each class has an associated code. You can request the code of the class you want to join and include it by clicking the Join an existing class button. The teacher who administers the class will need to accept your request. How can I manage the members of a class? Members Tasks In the Members section you’ll be able to see the students and teachers who form part of the group. Using the switch you’ll be able to activate or deactivate members who have requested to join the class. In the Tasks section you’ll be able to set assignments for your students and mark them, share files, manage their attendance and carry out comprehensive and personalised monitoring of their progress, among other things. You’ll see overall data for the class and each student relating to the assigned tasks. You’ll have personalised monitoring of each student’s progress in the class book. Summary Monitoring