User's guide AV4

◾ AULA VIRTUAL ◾ USER’S GUIDE ◾ SANTILLANA ◾ 9 Agenda With this function you can keep a record of events and schedule them in various calendars in an organised way. Messages This section will enable you to send messages individually, to a group or the whole class, and you’ll also be able to attach photos* and links. You can add calendars to your agenda to share events with your students. If you’re a member of other classes, those corresponding to such groups will appear in the “School events” calendar. This option enables you to schedule events and associate them with one of the calendars. If no calendars have been created, the event is assigned to the “Own events” calendar, which is for private use. If you need to share events with your students, you’ll need to add a new calendar (e.g.: Class 1 A). How can I add calendars? How can I include a new event? Try creating and sending messages. You’ll be able to manage them in your inbox. * You’ll be able to attach image files (.jpg / .png), video (.avi / .mp4 / .mpg) and documents (.pdf), as well as Microsoft Office files (.docx, .xlsx and.pptx) with a size limit of 500 MB per file. New message