Helbling Readers Catalogue

CATALOGUE Good readers make good learners! HELBLING READERS 2024 Distributed by

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HELBLING ENGLISH ICON KEY CONTENTS The Thinking Train 2 Helbling Young Readers 10 Classics 12 Fiction 16 Helbling Red Series 22 Classics 24 Fiction 32 Helbling Blue Series 46 Classics 48 Fiction 55 Helbling Shakespeare Series 58 Structures and Exams 62 Readers Topics 63 Richmond Offices 65 2024 Cambridge exams: B1 Preliminary B2 First Starters, Movers, Flyers A2 Key * TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS exam practice also available. C1 Advanced Downloadable resources on Helbling e-zone/ e-zone kids Audio available Exam preparation Common European Framework of Reference Big Book (for shared reading) American English British English e-book (digital version of the book, including multimedia) Multimedia materials on Helbling Media App Audio on Helbling Media App e-book+ (interactive version of the book, including multimedia) Materials on Helbling e-zone kids Materials on Helbling e-zone Individual/Team games and full audio materials



THE THINKING TRAIN Welcome to The Thinking Train, a unique series of picture books which focus on the development of children’s thinking skills through the use of stories. When children are involved in thinking and also in talking about their thinking with others, they reach higher levels of achievement in the future as well as developing superior thinking skills. The Thinking Train stories encourage a love of reading and promote thoughtful interaction with books while developing children’s thinking skills. Carefully graded activities practise and develop children’s language skills, too. The series now totals 28 picture books in 6 levels and it has also been mapped to Marbles our course book for young learners (see page 6). Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross and Gavin Biggs LANGUAGE & EXAMS EXAM Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Alphabet; Colours; Countries; Faces; Greetings; Numbers 1-10; Pets; School things; Snacks; Toys; Wild animals (zoo and jungle) Level A Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Clothes; Farm animals; Festivals; Games; Houses and rooms; Numbers after 10; Parties; School subjects; Seasons; Weather Level B Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Ecology 1; Garden and nature; Helping at home; Jobs; Places; Pocket money; Sports; Town 1 Level C Cambridge A1 Movers Trinity: 2 Bodies; Directions; Emotions 1; Family; Health; Months; Town 2; Transport Level D Cambridge A1 Movers Trinity: 2/3 Dreams; Ecology 2; Emotions 2; Fashion; Holidays; Music; TV Level E Cambridge A2 Flyers Trinity: 3/4 Animals; Directions; Health; Materials; School; Space; Technology; The body and face; The world around us; Work Level F 978-3-99045-424-4 TEACHER’S GUIDE by Marion Williams A practical free resource packed with information plus a selection of expansion activities and games. Available both in print and as a downloadable PDF on ezonekids.helbling.com The Thinking Train titles are also available as Big Books - ideal for shared reading (see page 47). ALL DIGITAL RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE VIA THE ACCESS CODE IN THE BOOK Downloadable resources (see page 46) ON Individual/Team games and audio materials Story and activity audio for each title GRADED READERS 4 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

AT THE ZOO Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross When Lizzie and her mum go to the zoo, they see lots of different animals. Lizzie loves looking at the animals as they show her what they can do. That night when Lizzie goes to bed, she thinks about her day. And she realises she can do lots of special things, too! FOUR FRIENDS AND THE HUNTER Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs A mouse, a frog, a crow and a deer are friends. Every day they like to sit and talk under a big old tree in the forest. One day, Deer is sad. There’s a hunter in the forest and he’s got lots of traps. Deer is scared of the hunter. How can Mouse, Frog and Crow help Deer? Join the four friends and find out. 24 pages 978-3-99045-707-8 24 pages 978-3-99089-020-2 24 pages 978-3-7114-0176-2 24 pages 978-3-99045-711-5 I CAN’T SLEEP Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs It’s night time. Josh and Julia are ready for bed. They say goodnight to the moon and the stars. Then Julia closes the curtains and Josh turns on the lamp. Josh is very sleepy, but his little sister can’t sleep. How can Josh help Julia to fall asleep? Find out in this special bedtime story. THE BULLY Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross Charlie isn’t very nice to the other children. They’re scared of him. Then it’s his birthday. Charlie invites all the children to his party. But no one comes. Charlie is sad, and is sorry. He begins to be nice to the other children. And they start to like him. Level A 32 pages 978-3-99045-302-5 Level A 32 pages 978-3-7114-0141-0 Level A 32 pages 978-3-99045-846-4 Level A 32 pages 978-3-99045-404-6 On-page activities encourage the children to relate what is happening in the story to their own experiences and encourage them to solve problems along with the characters. 22 9783711401410_book_Four friends and the hunter.indd 22 04/10/22 14:48 It’s evening. The mouse, the frog, the crow and the deer are sitting under the big old tree. They can see the hunter, but they aren’t scared. The hunter is taking his traps and he is leaving the forest. ‘Goodbye, Hunter,’ they say. The forest is safe again. 23 Why is the forest safe again? THINK 9783711401410_book_Four friends and the hunter.indd 23 04/10/22 14:48 GRADED READERS 5 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

MONKEY ISLAND Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Tim is going on holiday with his family but he isn’t happy. He wants to stay at home and play with his friends. The airport is busy, the plane is noisy, even the children at the hotel aren’t nice: Tim hates everything! But then he goes to see the monkeys. What happens when Tim meets the big monkey family? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DANIEL? Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross Mum, Dad and Rosie want Daniel to help, but he’s always busy. He’s busy playing games on his computer. One evening Rosie has an idea. Now when Daniel wants some help, they say that they are all busy. What happens? Can Daniel change and become more helpful? 24 pages 978-3-99089-023-3 THE RAINBOW Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs It’s a lovely sunny day. Everyone is happy. Everyone except Violet and Ryan. They can’t decide what to play in the garden, together. Then it starts raining and Violet and Ryan can’t go outside anymore. What happens when they see a beautiful rainbow? And can they agree on a game to play? 24 pages 978-3-99045-714-6 24 pages 978-3-7114-0178-6 24 pages 978-3-7114-0179-3 Level B 32 pages 978-3-99045-849-5 Level B 32 pages 978-3-99045-303-2 Level A 32 pages 978-3-7114-0142-7 THE RACETRACK Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Caterpillar loves playing in the garden with Grasshopper and Bumblebee. One day, the three friends decide to build a racetrack. When it is ready, they are very excited. Each one wants to be the winner of the race. Grasshopper can jump high and Bumblebee can fly fast. But what about Caterpillar? Can he win the race, too? THE GIRL AND THE MAGPIE Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Fay’s best friend is a beautiful black and white magpie called Maggie. But Fay’s brother Jonathan doesn’t like Maggie. He says that she is a thief. One day, Fay loses her favourite bracelet. She wants to talk to Maggie, but Maggie isn’t there. Is Jonathan right? Is Maggie a thief? Find out in this story about an unusual friendship. Level B 32 pages 978-3-7114-0143-4 Level B 32 pages 978-3-7114-0144-1 24 pages 978-3-99089-021-9 THE NEW CLASS Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs It’s the first day of school. All the students are ready. But where is the teacher? When Mr Evans arrives, he can’t remember the students’ names. How can the children help him? Find out in this fun story about the first day in a new class. Level A 32 pages 978-3-99045-847-1 A TEST FOR JESS Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Jess and Ben are best friends. They are in the same class at school, too. Ben loves school, but Jess doesn’t like school at all. One day there is a surprise test in science and Jess doesn’t know any answers. Can Ben help her? What is the biggest test for Jess? LET’S PLAY! Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross James has got lots of toys and games. His dad buys him lots of presents and he plays lots of games with him, too. But James is always bored. Then one day Dad gives James’ toys and games to the children next door. They are very happy – and they invite James to play with them. 24 pages 978-3-99089-022-6 24 pages 978-3-7114-0177-9 24 pages 978-3-99045-708-5 Level B 32 pages 978-3-99045-848-8 Level B 32 pages 978-3-99045-405-3 GRADED READERS 6 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

Why does Jonathan want a magpie as a friend? THINK 23 22 But that evening, there is a surprise for her. Maggie is waiting by the window. And Fay’s bracelet is beside her. ‘Jonathan! Mum! Come here!’ Fay shouts. ‘Maggie is not a thief!’ Fay says. ‘She’s my best friend.’ ‘Wow! I’m sorry, Fay. You are right. Maggie is a pretty cool friend,’ Jonathan says. ‘I want a magpie as a friend, too!’ 9783990458488_book_The girl and the magpie.indd 22-23 17/11/22 14:17 FOOTBALL FURY Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Jin is tall and clumsy and sometimes he gets very angry. He doesn’t have any friends. Then one day a new football coach comes to school and everything changes. Jin is good at football and soon he is on the school team. But what happens when Jin gets angry during a match? How can his team win without him? ROBERTO’S BACKPACK Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross When Roberto is ten years old he begins to help his dad. After school he goes to the field and takes Dad’s goats home. Roberto likes his new job, but he likes doing other things, too. Soon Roberto’s dad is unhappy with him. Then his sister Andrea has an idea. 24 pages 978-3-99089-024-0 24 pages 978-3-99045-709-2 Level C 32 pages 978-3-99045-850-1 Level C 32 pages 978-3-99045-304-9 THE INVENTORS Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Goldy and Silvy are robots. On their birthday they get a very special present. They can invent their own pet robots! The children are very happy and they promise to look after their pets very carefully. But what happens when they get home and where are all Silvy’s favourite toys? THE THREE SEEDS Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross Lara, Colin and Dylan live with their parents on a farm in Ireland. One day the children ask for a pony. Their dad gives them three seeds and asks them to grow a flower. The child with the most beautiful flower gets the pony. What happens when Lara’s seed doesn’t grow? 24 pages 978-3-99089-025-7 24 pages 978-3-99045-713-9 Level C 32 pages 978-3-99045-851-8 Level C 32 pages 978-3-99045-406-0 Thinking about and discussing issues gives learners an authentic reason to use language, whether it is to solve a problem, to select something, or to sort things into categories. Children are also encouraged to think together where possible, creating a community of enquiry in the classroom. GRADED READERS 7 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

DEBORAH’S DREAMS Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Deborah spends a lot of time alone in her castle. Or in her hot-air balloon. Or in her pirate ship. Because Deborah loves reading and dreaming about the adventures in her books. Her parents and teachers tell her to stop dreaming. Then one day a new boy arrives at school. Can Deborah’s dreams help him to fit in? THE JAGUAR AND THE COW Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross A jaguar kills a cow in a village near a reserve in Brazil. The family who own the cow think that men from other villages are setting traps for deer. Is this why the jaguar is looking for food in the village? Paulo and Catrina, together with their two friends, decide to do something about the problem. RUBY RUNS THE RACE Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross Ruby hates PE. Her teacher always tells her to run faster and try harder. But Ruby can’t. The other girls are not happy when Ruby is in their team. They want to win, and winning is impossible with Ruby in the team. Then, one day there is a crosscountry race, and Ruby shows that she is a winner, too. A YEAR WITHOUT MUM Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross When Oliver’s mum goes away for a year, he is sad. He starts making things for his mum, so she can be with him in a new way. When Mum comes back home, Oliver has got a wonderful surprise for her. A PROBLEM FOR PRINCE PERCY Herbert Puchta and Günter Gerngross Prince Percy is handsome and clever and kind, but he is also poor. One day he finds out about a very special contest. The winner can marry beautiful Princess Isabel. When Prince Percy wins, the king isn’t very happy. What happens when the king sets Prince Percy another problem? 24 pages 978-3-99089-029-5 24 pages 978-3-99045-710-8 24 pages 978-3-99045-712-2 Level E 32 pages 978-3-99045-855-6 Level E 32 pages 978-3-99045-408-4 Level E 32 pages 978-3-99045-306-3 24 pages 978-3-99045-705-4 24 pages 978-3-99045-706-1 Level D 32 pages 978-3-99045-305-6 Level D 32 pages 978-3-99045-407-7 PAUL LEARNS TO PLAN Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Paul needs to study for his tests in school, but he also needs to finish his online space game before the aliens take over. Paul finds tests very difficult: the more he tries to remember, the more he seems to forget! It’s terrible! How can Paul’s parents and friends help him to find time to study and time to relax? THE DESERT RACE Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, four brave girls take part in a dangerous race across the desert to the Oasis of Hope. Who will win? Irdina and her black horse, Alya and her beautiful hippogriff, Nour and her strong dire wolf or Mayar and her old camel? 24 pages 978-3-99089-026-4 24 pages 978-3-99089-027-1 Level D 32 pages 978-3-99045-852-5 Level D 32 pages 978-3-99045-853-2 THE SICK DRAGON Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Little Red is a dragon. She lives with her family, deep inside the forest. Then people arrive and start cutting down trees and the forest gets smaller and smaller. Soon the sky is full of smoke and the rivers are full of rubbish. One day Little Red’s sister goes missing. Can Little Red find her and how can she save the rivers and forest? 24 pages 978-3-99089-028-8 Level E 32 pages 978-3-99045-854-9 GRADED READERS 8 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

24 pages 978-3-99089-263-3 24 pages 978-3-99089-264-0 24 pages 978-3-99089-265-7 24 pages 978-3-99089-266-4 Level F 32 pages 978-3-99089-240-4 Level F 32 pages 978-3-99089-235-0 Level F 32 pages 978-3-99089-236-7 Level F 32 pages 978-3-99089-241-1 MINERS OF THE FIFTH MOON Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Cosmo is only sixteen but he is already one of the best scout ship pilots in the galaxy. But looking for asteroids day after day is boring, and Cosmo dreams of doing something more interesting. When a strange man sells Cosmo a glowing orb, his life changes. Will the orb help him find the fifth moon? SURVIVAL Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs Ellie and her parents go on holiday to the jungle. Everything is different in the jungle, Ellie thinks it is a magical place. But it can also be dangerous. When Ellie’s parents and their guide fall out of the raft and into the river, Ellie is left on her own. Can Ellie remember the rules of the jungle? And how do a parrot and a fox show her the road to survival? THE ICE-RACERS OF TRITON Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs The only thing to do on the ice planet of Triton is to ice-race. Azkoth, Tox and Parnak are the winners of every ice-race. And Vinnie fixes their ice-jets after every race. She loves fixing things, but she hates Triton. She dreams of her father, and of leaving forever. Then, one day, a mysterious white ice-racer arrives. Who is he? And can he save Vinnie? UNREAL SCHOOL Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs When Mark, Tikto and Dani get a surprise message from their friend Amy to join her at Unreal School, they immediately go there. However, things at the school are not what they seem and the friends are in danger. Can they tell the difference between reality and virtual reality? And will they be able to find and save Amy before it is too late? Engaging stories in our highest level (level F includes preparation for A2 Flyers) to help children practise the 4 skills and develop essential critical thinking skills. GRADED READERS 9 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024



JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Retold by Richard Northcott Jack and his mum are very poor. When a man at the market gives Jack some magic beans for his cow, Jack’s mum is very angry and she throws the beans into the garden. But in the morning, there is a big beanstalk in the garden. What happens when Jack climbs the beanstalk? Find out more in this story of trust and opportunity. HELBLING YOUNG READERS A series of best-loved classic fairytales, myths and legends from all over the world retold for young learners of English with all the magic of the original stories. Engaging stories with beautiful full-colour illustrations, specially written to appeal to young learners, introduce high-frequency words in order to promote fluency from an early age. Each story is carefully graded and language is presented both as lexical groups and language functions. Audio of the story, karaoke chants and online games are available on the new platform HELBLING e-zone kids. All materials use an opentype font which has been devised to help children with reading difficulties. The series now totals 38 picture books in 6 levels, with a brand-new level F, including preparation for A2 Flyers! MORE FOR TEACHERS • Language highlighted at a glance for easy preparation • Visual CLIL pointers • Big Books for shared reading and Guide to using Big Books • Free downloadable worksheets with preparation for Cambridge English qualifications • Downloadable Flashcards and Guide to using Flashcards MORE FOR STUDENTS • Beautifully illustrated stories • Activities with a TPR dynamic learning approach • Open-out vocabulary flaps on each book • Open-type font to make reading accessible to students with reading difficulties • Fun online Project pages BUILDING Young Learners’ COGNITIVE TOOLS CLASSICS Level A CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0214-1 LANGUAGE & EXAMS EXAM HELBLING Young Readers titles are also available as Big Books - ideal for shared reading (see page 47). Level a Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Alphabet; Colours; Countries; Faces; Greetings; Numbers 1-10; Pets; School things; Snacks; Toys; Wild animals (zoo and jungle) Level b Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Clothes; Farm animals; Festivals; Games; Houses and rooms; Numbers after 10; Parties; School subjects; Seasons; Weather Level c Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters Trinity: 1 Ecology 1; Garden and nature; Helping at home; Jobs; Places; Pocket money; Sports; Town 1 Level e Cambridge A1 Movers Trinity: 2/3 Dreams; Ecology 2; Emotions 2; Fashion; Holidays; Music; TV Level d Cambridge A1 Movers Trinity: 2 Bodies; Directions; Emotions 1; Family; Health; Months; Town 2; Transport Level f Cambridge A2 Flyers Trinity: 3/4 Animals; Directions; Health; Materials; School; Space; Technology; The body and face; The world around us; Work ALL DIGITAL RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE VIA THE ACCESS CODE IN THE BOOK Downloadable resources (see page 46) ON Individual/Team games and audio materials Story and activity audio for each title GRADED READERS 12 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

LET’S READ CLASSICS Classic tales for children are a fundamental part of our history. HELBLING Young Readers Classics embody and promote universal moral values. By reading them, children will be captivated and fascinated by stories they may know in their own language. This will further facilitate comprehension and understanding, turning the chosen title into an important tool for language learning. THE THREE GOATS Retold by Richard Northcott Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat are hungry. And there’s lots of grass on the hill on the other side of the bridge. But there’s a mean and nasty troll under the bridge. How can the three goats cross the bridge and eat the grass? Find out in this classic story. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Retold by Richard Northcott Today Little Red Riding Hood is visiting her grandmother in the forest. In the forest there is a woodcutter and… there’s a big, bad wolf. Be careful, Little Red Riding Hood! What happens when she arrives at Grandmother’s house? And can the woodcutter arrive in time to save the little girl and her grandmother? THE LEOPARD AND THE MONKEY Retold by Richard Northcott It’s morning in the jungle and Leopard is hungry and his favourite breakfast is monkeys. But Leopard falls into a well and only Baby Monkey can help him. Can Baby Monkey pull Leopard out of the well? And is Leopard really monkey’s friend? Find out how a clever little animal can trick a big fierce one in this classic African folk tale. THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE Retold by Richard Northcott The hare can do lots of things. He can jump and run. He’s fast. The tortoise can’t run. He’s slow. One day the fast hare and the slow tortoise have a race. The hare runs fast, he can’t see the tortoise. And he’s tired... surely there is time for the hare to have a rest. What happens when the hare falls asleep? And can the tortoise be the winner? 12 In the morning, there is a big beanstalk in the garden. I can climb it. I’m in the clouds. In the clouds there is a castle. Where is Jack’s house? Where is the castle? Point. 9783711402141_book_Jack and the Beastalk.indd 12 29/09/23 11:56 13 9783711402141_book_Jack and the Beastalk.indd 13 29/09/23 11:56 Level A CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-427-9 Level A CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-428-6 Level B CLIL Reading · Drama 32 pages 978-3-99089-429-3 Level B CLIL Geography · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-430-9 24 pages 978-3-99045-273-8 24 pages 978-3-99045-703-0 24 pages 978-3-99045-697-2 24 pages 978-3-99045-701-6 13 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024 CLASSICS

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Retold by Richard Northcott When Beauty’s father picks a rose for his daughter the owner of the rosebush, a terrible beast, is very angry. In payment for the rose, Beauty must leave her family and go to live in the beast’s castle. In time Beauty and the beast become friends. Then one day Beauty’s father falls ill and she returns home to look after him. Does she return to the beast? THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE Retold by Richard Northcott One day the fisherman catches a magic fish. When he tells his wife, she asks the fish for a nice house. Then she wants a castle. And then she wants to become queen. What happens when the fisherman’s wife keeps asking for more things? Does the fish listen to the fisherman’s wife? THE FOX AND THE CROW Aesop It’s morning in the forest. All the animals are eating their breakfast. All the animals except Crow. Crow is hungry. Then Crow finds some bread, and he flies to the top of a very tall tree to eat it. But Fox is hungry, too. What happens when Fox sees Crow? Does Crow share his bread? THE MUSICIANS OF BREMEN Retold by Richard Northcott Donkey is old and he can’t carry the farmer’s sacks. So he decides to run away to Bremen, and become a musician. On his way, he meets a dog, a cat and a rooster. They are old too, and their owners don’t want them. What happens when the four friends meet a band of robbers? And can they become musicians in the end? THESEUS AND THE MINOTAUR Retold by Richard Northcott Bad King Minos of Crete has a terrible monster, called the Minotaur. When the Minotaur is hungry King Minos asks King Aegeus to send him seven young men and seven young women for his monster to eat. Then, one day, King Aegeus’ son Theseus decides to go to Crete and kill the Minotaur. What happens when Theseus arrives in Crete? And can he kill the terrible monster? THE SELFISH GIANT Oscar Wilde Retold by Maria Cleary When the Selfish Giant sees the children in his garden, he is angry and he builds a high wall. Now the children have nowhere to play. Spring comes, but in the Giant’s garden it is still winter. One morning the Giant wakes up and he has a wonderful surprise. What does the Giant see in his garden that morning? And how does it change him forever? Level C CLIL Geography · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-432-3 Level C CLIL Science · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0216-5 Level E CLIL Reading · Music 32 pages 978-3-7114-0217-2 Level D CLIL Reading · Civics 32 pages 978-3-99089-433-0 Level D CLIL Geography · History 32 pages 978-3-99089-434-7 Level E CLIL Art · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-435-4 24 pages 978-3-99045-700-9 24 pages 978-3-99045-702-3 24 pages 978-3-99045-704-7 24 pages 978-3-99045-696-5 PEACH BOY Retold by Richard Northcott Long ago in Japan, an old man and woman find a baby boy in a peach. They call him Momotaro, which means ‘peach boy’ in Japanese. The years pass and Momotaro grows up. One day he takes his sword and goes off to fight the ogres who are taking the people’s treasure. Who can help Momotaro find the ogres’ island? And what happens when he arrives there? Find out in one of the most famous Japanese folktales. Level C CLIL History · Geography 32 pages 978-3-99089-431-6 24 pages 978-3-99045-699-6 THE LITTLE RED HEN Retold by Maria Cleary The little red hen has got some seeds and she asks her friends to help her plant them. But the little black cat is sleepy and the little white sheep is hungry and the little yellow duck is busy. So the little red hen plants her seeds and picks the wheat and makes the flour. But what happens when the little red hen makes some bread? Level B CLIL Geography · Science 32 pages 978-3-7114-0215-8 GRADED READERS 14 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

THE STORY OF ICARUS Retold by Richard Northcott Daedalus was a very clever man. He built a big palace with a maze for King Minos. Then King Minos became angry with Daedalus, and put him in a small room with his son Icarus. But Daedalus wanted to escape, and he made wings for himself and Icarus. Icarus loves flying. But what happens when he flies too close to the sun? THE SNOW QUEEN Retold by Hans Christian Andersen When Kay’s heart turns to ice, he leaves his home and his friend Gerda to go with the evil Snow Queen to her palace at the North Pole. However, Gerda decides to follow him, and takes off on an adventurous journey to save her friend. Can Gerda find Kay and break the Snow Queen’s spell? THE VELVETEEN RABBIT Retold by Margery Williams The velveteen rabbit arrives in the nursery one Christmas morning. He becomes friends with the brown horse who tells him that toys can become ‘real’, when a child loves them for a long time. Soon he is the boy’s favourite toy but will he ever be able to run and play like the rabbits in the garden? Find out in this classic story of friendship and love. LUSMORE AND THE FAIRIES Retold by Richard Northcott Lusmore lives in a small village in Ireland. He has a big hump on his back and people laugh at him and say bad things. Lusmore is sad. One evening Lusmore is coming home from the market when he hears the fairies singing. What happens when Lusmore joins them? And how do the fairies change Lusmore’s life forever? Level E CLIL Reading · Music 32 pages 978-3-99089-436-1 Level E CLIL History · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0218-9 Level F CLIL Geography · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0220-2 Level F CLIL Art · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0219-6 24 pages 978-3-99045-698-9 ON-PAGE ACTIVITIES Fun on-page activities stimulate communication and interaction and get the readers to relate the stories to their own experiences or to other curricular subjects. Before and after reading activities pre-teach and practise words and structures and provide skills and pronunciation practice. Now with a brand-new LEVEL F, including preparation for A2 Flyers! 14 One day, the boy and the rabbit were playing in the garden. The boy went to pick some flowers, when the rabbit saw two strange animals looking at him. They were rabbits, like him. But they could move and jump. ‘Come and play with us,’ they said. 9783711402196_book_The Velveteen Rabbit.indd 14 02/10/23 14:50 15 ‘I don’t want to,’ said the rabbit, because he couldn’t move without the boy. The rabbits came closer. ‘He isn’t real!’ they shouted. ‘I am real,’ said the little rabbit sadly. But the two rabbits ran away. Think. Why is the rabbit sad? 9783711402196_book_The Velveteen Rabbit.indd 15 02/10/23 14:50 15 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024 CLASSICS

FICTION CAN I PLAY? Rick Sampedro It is Billy’s first day at school. He is happy and he wants to play with the other children. But when Billy asks if he can play, each child answers him in a different language. Billy is sad, he can’t play with anyone. Then, Lorenzo becomes Billy’s friend and soon everyone is playing together. THE BEACH Rick Sampedro Anna is very happy. It is a beautiful day. A perfect day for the beach. But Nina is not happy. She is on a boat, far from the beach. This is the story of two little girls, and how a place can mean very different things to different people. An exciting series of original graded readers for primary schools in 5 levels. Engaging stories with beautiful full-colour illustrations, specially written to appeal to young learners of English, introduce high-frequency words in order to promote fluency from an early age. Each story is carefully graded and language is presented both as lexical groups and language functions. Audio of the story, karaoke chants and games are available. All materials use an opentype font which has been devised to help children with reading difficulties. THE BIG FIRE Rick Sampedro It is a lovely day in the jungle. The grass is green and the sky is blue. The animals are all happy together. But... what is that? Now the sky is orange and there is smoke. Oh, no! There is a terrible fire. Can the little birds stop the fire? And who can help them? THE BIG WAVE Stefanella Ebhardt Pat’s best friend is a little goldfish called Ermy. One day they go to the beach. They are happy, they like the sea. Then a big wave comes and takes Ermy away. Away from the beach, and away from her best friend Pat. What happens next? Can Pat and Ermy find each other once more? Level A CLIL Geography · Civics 32 pages 978-3-99089-439-2 Level A CLIL Maths · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-440-8 Level A CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-437-8 Level A CLIL Geography · Civics 32 pages 978-3-99089-438-5 24 pages 978-3-85272-721-9 24 pages 978-3-99089-404-0 24 pages 978-3-85272-722-6 24 pages 978-3-85272-731-8 PICTURE DICTIONARY Open-out flaps with picture dictionary, structures, lexis, a letter to the reader and CLIL links, to make the most of classroom learning and time. ALL DIGITAL RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE VIA THE ACCESS CODE IN THE BOOK Downloadable resources (see page 46) ON Individual/Team games and audio materials Story and activity audio for each title GRADED READERS 16 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

Beautiful illustrations and engaging TPR-style activities draw young readers into the story ERROL COMES TO THE RESCUE Cathy Lawday Errol’s got a horse and armour and a sword. He’s a knight. One day Errol gets an important letter. A very important letter. He must go to the castle immediately and he must bring his sword. Errol is afraid. Beautiful Princess Bella is in the castle. Is she in danger? And can Errol arrive in time to save her? Level C CLIL History · Reading 32 pages 978-3-7114-0221-9 THE DARK IN THE BOX Rick Sampedro Andy loves the summer, the days are long and he can play in the sun with his friends. Andy likes the winter too. But in the winter the days are short and the nights are long. Andy doesn’t like nights. He doesn’t like the dark. Then one day Andy has an idea. What’s Andy’s idea and how can it help him to sleep at night? DAD FOR SALE Andrés Pi Andreu ‘Dad, I don’t love you anymore.’ ‘You don’t love me?’ asks Dad. ‘You don’t let me put jam in the fish tank. And you don’t let me sleep in the dog bed.’ Poor Dad. No one loves him anymore. Does he have to go to the Dad shop? Find out in this charming story about love. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR BARNEY BUNNY Maria Cleary It’s Christmas Eve and Mother Bunny is busy getting everything ready for Christmas. The bunnies aren’t helping so she sends them out to play. Barney, the baby bunny, can’t play any of the games. But on Christmas Day Mother Bunny has a special present for him and all her other children. THE KITE Rick Sampedro Ehud and Elisa like flying kites. One windy day Ehud’s kite goes up and he can’t see it. Ehud is sad. Then it comes down in Elisa’s garden. Elisa gives Ehud his kite and he is happy. But then Ehud and Elisa look at their fathers. Their fathers aren’t friends. They are sad. Can the children think of a way to make everyone happy? Level B CLIL Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-441-5 Level B CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-442-2 Level B CLIL Geography · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-443-9 Level B CLIL Art · Geography 32 pages 978-3-99089-444-6 24 pages 978-3-85272-724-0 24 pages 978-3-99089-405-7 24 pages 978-3-99089-406-4 24 pages 978-3-85272-723-3 18 9783711402219_book_Errol Comes to the Rescue.indd 18 29/09/23 12:24 19 Errol climbs out of the moat. He climbs up the castle wall. He’s cold and wet. But he’s brave and strong. He can save Princess Bella. ‘Don’t be afraid, Princess Bella,’ thinks Errol. ‘I’m coming to the rescue. I’m coming to save you.’ Mime. • cold • wet • brave • strong 9783711402219_book_Errol Comes to the Rescue.indd 19 29/09/23 12:24 17 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024 FICTION

THE THIRSTY TREE Adrián N. Bravi It is summer and it is very hot. The tree on top of the hill is very thirsty. Its leaves are brown and there is no water to drink. Then the tree sees Cloudbreak, a little bird. Can Cloudbreak help the tree to find some water? FAT CAT’S BUSY DAY Maria Cleary Mum, Dad, Emily and Baby are all out and Fat Cat is sleeping in peace. Bang! Suddenly there is a noise in the kitchen. There is a thief in the house and Fat Cat is the only one who can stop him! What is Fat Cat’s plan? And can he save Mum’s jewellery? HENRY HARRIS HATES HAITCHES Maria Cleary Henry Harris can’t say the letter ‘H’. He hates haitches more than he hates homework or horrible Hannah Hunter who laughs at him. Then one day something happens to Henry’s best friend, Harry. What happens when Henry helps Harry? MOONY GOES ON HOLIDAY Dilys Ross Moony lives on the moon. Every day is the same: he cleans his home, he waters his garden, then he goes for a walk. Moony is bored. He wants to hear noise and see people. He wants to go to Earth. One day, Alex the astronaut arrives and agrees to take Moony home with him. What happens when Moony arrives on Earth? What surprises does he find? And what does Moony decide to do: stay on Earth or go back to the moon? SKATER BOY Maria Cleary All the mothers are afraid of Skater Boy. He’s the fastest kid in town. But all the children love Skater Boy because he’s the fastest kid in town. One day, while the mothers are planning to catch Skater Boy something terrible happens. Baby climbs and climbs to the top of the climbing frame. And Skater Boy is the only one who can save him. Level D CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-449-1 Level D CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-450-7 Level D CLIL Science · Geography 32 pages 978-3-99089-451-4 Level D CLIL Civics · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-452-1 24 pages 978-3-85272-728-8 24 pages 978-3-85272-727-1 24 pages 978-3-99089-279-4 Level C CLIL Geography · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-448-4 24 pages 978-3-85272-726-4 SAM AND THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS Maria Cleary Sam loves visiting his grandad in the country and playing in the sunflower fields. One day, Sam’s grandad gives Sam some sunflower seeds. Sam plants his seeds and he waters them carefully. But the seeds do not grow. Can Grandad help his seeds to grow? THE SUN IS BROKEN Andrés Pi Andreu Today is the little girl’s birthday. She closes her eyes and blows out the candles on her birthday cake and makes a wish. Suddenly lots of strange things start happening but Mum and Dad can’t see them. Can the little girl convince her parents that she is not silly? And what happens when the sun goes down? FREDDY THE FROG PRINCE Maria Cleary Freddy the frog is very happy. He likes his life and the pond and he likes Francesca, the prettiest frog in the woods. One Friday evening Freddy is waiting for Francesca when he hears a strange sound. It’s Princess Priscilla and she is not very happy. But then Princess Priscilla has an idea and Freddy’s life changes forever... or does it? Level C CLIL Science · Civics 32 pages 978-3-99089-445-3 Level C CLIL Reading · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-446-0 Level C CLIL Art · Reading 32 pages 978-3-99089-447-7 24 pages 978-3-99089-407-1 24 pages 978-3-85272-725-7 24 pages 978-3-85272-733-2 GRADED READERS 18 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

LOST ON THE COAST Rick & Steve Sampedro A baby whale is stranded on a beach after an oil spill. It is hot and the whale can’t breathe. Lots of people come to look but no-one knows what to do until Rawiri arrives. Rawiri has got a plan. Is his plan good enough to save the whale? FOOD FOR THE WINTER Rick Sampedro It is a cold hard winter and there are not enough nuts and seeds for the animals in the forest. They are all weak and hungry... all except Chippy and his family. They have got lots of food for the winter. But something terrible happens and Chippy soon learns that sharing is best. UPSIDE DOWN Rick Sampedro It’s a lovely sunny day in Loony Town. The sky is blue and Kate and Charlie are playing in the park. But when Kate looks up she sees a fish flying in the sky. Then the mice start chasing the cats and the cats start chasing the dogs. The world is upside down! Now Kate and Charlie must put everything back in its place again. LOLA IN THE LAND OF FIRE Rick Sampedro A long time ago there was a girl called Lola. Lola lived with her family in the Selk’nam tribe, in a beautiful land near the end of the world. One day when Lola is with the Yamana tribe in the south of the land, a big ship arrives. Who is on the ship? And how will they change Lola’s land forever? Level E CLIL Geography · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-453-8 Level E CLIL Geography · History 32 pages 978-3-99089-454-5 Level E CLIL Geography · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-455-2 Level E CLIL Civics · Science 32 pages 978-3-99089-456-9 24 pages 978-3-85272-730-1 24 pages 978-3-85272-729-5 30 Play Station 2 8 10 Listen. Say the chant. 11 Mime and say with friends. I am . But you are bigger. He is bigger than you. I am . But you are taller. She is taller than you. You are . But I am smaller. She is smaller than you. You are . But I am shorter. He is shorter than you. big small tall short I am bigger than you. You are shorter than me. He is taller than her. She is smaller than him. 9783990894538_Food for the Winter.indd 30 21/06/23 10:31 31 9 12 Listen and tick (✔). 10 13 Listen and check. 11 14 Listen again and write the answers. A How fast can deer run? ................................................................................................................................. B How high can frogs jump? ................................................................................................................................. C How much better can owls see than humans at night? ................................................................................................................................. D How long did the oldest hedgehog live? ................................................................................................................................. A C B D 9783990894538_Food for the Winter.indd 31 21/06/23 10:31 7 BENEFITS OF EARLY READING • Creates a stimulating learning environment • Increases attention span • Greatly helps to expand vocabulary • Anchors new words and structures in a meaningful way • Enhances memory and levels of retention • Fosters deep and natural interest and love for language • Develops the imagination and creative thinking 19 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024 FICTION

THE THINKING TRAIN © Helbling Languages MONKEY ISLAND Pipe cleaner monkey B Print the template onto white paper or card. Play Station Project Beauty and the Beast © Helbling Languages You need: the playscript costumes a mask for the beast table and chairs some roses a mirror Perform the play of Beauty and the Beast. Drama 5 Decide when you are going to perform the play. Make tickets, posters and programmes. Invite your friends and family to the play. 6 Perform the play. 2 Decide who is going to play each part. Help each other to learn your lines. 3 Find costumes. Download and make the mask for the beast. Collect furniture and props. 4 Practise each scene many times. Performed by Class 5 Friday at 3 o’clock BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 1 Download the playscript of Beauty and the Beast from ezonekids.helbling.com. Read it aloud in class. Beauty and the Beast Project e Colour the mask then cut it out. Can I Play? Rick Sampedro Photocopiable Worksheet a © Helbling Languages 2012 Photocopiable Worksheet a Cambridge YLE: Starters Reading and Writing 1 Read. Put a tick (4) or a cross (8). 2 Read. Put a tick (4) or a cross (8). B This is a kite. D This is a koala. F This is a flag. H This is Billy. A This is a schoolbag. C This is a ball. E This is a key. G This is a crayon. A This is a blue kite. C This is a purple key. E This is an orange ball. G This is an orange koala. B This is a red kite. D This is a yellow schoolbag. F This is a pink crayon. H This is a green crayon. A complete range of online resources and fun games, on our new platform e-zone kids. GRADED READERS HELBLING YOUNG READERS THE THINKING TRAIN • Online Games for motivating individual play or classroom team challenges • Audio for the story and the listening activities FOR STUDENTS • Online Games for motivating individual play or classroom team challenges • Audio for the story and the listening activities • Chants to join in with, including a karaoke version • Project pages with all the extras needed to complete the tasks FOR STUDENTS FOR TEACHERS • Teacher’s Guide • How to use your Big Books Guide • Flashcards and How to use your Flashcards Guide • Photocopiable worksheets provide language evaluation and consolidation as well as preparation for Cambridge and Trinity exams FOR TEACHERS • How to use your Big Books Guide • Flashcards and How to use your Flashcards Guide • How to help your child read in English Guide • Photocopiable worksheets and teaching notes with preparation for Cambridge English qualifications Go to the Young Learners area on our READERS BLOG for all the latest theory, plus lesson plans and interviews with the authors and illustrators. helbling.com/readersblog WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DANIEL? Listening & Speaking Photocopiable Worksheet THE THINKING TRAIN © Helbling Languages - Worksheet by Frances Mariani B 1 1 Listen and match. Draw lines. 2 Look at Exercise 1 and mime. Ask a friend. They’re playing football. She’s working in the garden. She’s doing her homework. They’re laying the table. He’s cooking in the kitchen. I’m doing some work. A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 You’re working in the garden. You’re doing your homework. What am I doing? What am I doing? DANIEL_Listening and speaking.indd 1 18/12/15 10:23 ezonekids.helbling.com on GRADED READERS 20 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

Why shared reading and interactive reading aloud makes a difference • Children love a good story and the attention of being read to personally. • Children feel involved in the action and they even forget that it is a formal teaching situation. • Comprehension is almost immediate, with instant clarification and support from the teacher. • As children observe and listen they develop strategies for listening and speaking in different situations. • Helps to teach frequently used vocabulary. • Encourages initiative in the form of making predictions and connections, observing, clarifying, asking questions, making comments, entering a story world and using their own imagination. • Provides support for children struggling to read alone. HELBLING Big Books make reading a fun experience while being a powerful tool for language learning. Maxi-format illustrations captivate any class or group and enlarged text allows children to see and follow words as they are pointed to and read by the teacher. HELBLING Big Books bring reading to life for all children in your classes. They are an ideal way to make reading a shared experience and fun group situations will then help develop confident and motivated individual readers. Specially devised for shared reading BUILDING CONFIDENT MOTIVATED READERS • Size: 35x47 cm (Young Readers) 35x35 cm (The Thinking Train) • Pages: 24 (story only) • Picture dictionary • Quick guide in book • Downloadable Guide to using Big Books available on e-zone Kids 21 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024 FICTION



Downloadable resources Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Traditional 84 pages ISBN 978-3-7114-0115-1 KING ARTHUR Howard Pyle Adapted by Scott Lauder & Walter McGregor Recording in British English Britain is a sad and dangerous place. The kingdom needs a true and good king. One day Arthur comes to the cathedral and pulls the sword from the stone. Only the true King of England can do this. From that day Arthur becomes King Arthur. Follow the adventures of King Arthur, Merlin, the Knights of the Round Table, Lady Guinevere and Sir Lancelot and decide for yourselves if you think the legend is real or not. Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Fantasy 80 pages 978-3-99045-686-6 FIVE CHILDREN AND IT Edith Nesbit Adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne Recording in British English One day four children find a fairy while they are playing in the sand near their house. The sand fairy is very old and ‘It’ isn’t very friendly. The children ask it to give them wishes. It agrees, but says they can have only one wish a day. The children make wishes without thinking and sometimes the results are a surprise. Read about the children’s magical adventures with It and find out how they learn from their mistakes. HELBLING RED SERIES CLASSICS A series of well-known classic stories by worldfamous authors that have been chosen and adapted to appeal to young teenagers. • Fact Files give historical and cultural background information • A clear introduction gives information about the author • Character spreads introduce the people from each story • Detailed Before and After Reading activities help and check understanding • New pages dedicated to Exam Practice and Vocabulary Building • Reflection Boxes throughout the stories help understanding, and draw links with the students’ own lives Audio tracks of all titles are now available on the HELBLING Media App for both teachers and students. The app is available for free for Android, iOS, Windows and macOS. Download it from the app store of your choice or via helbling.com/media-app. HELBLING MEDIA APP FREE DEDICATED INTERACTIVE PLATFORM • Different Teacher and Student areas • Cyber Homework and self-correcting interactive exercises • Audios of full stories and Before and After Reading activities • For Teachers: • Feedback reports to check students’ progress • Answer keys • Downloadable worksheets and tests • Ideal for classwork and individual work LEVEL 1 - A1 LEVEL 2 - A1/A2 LEVEL 3 - A2 STRUCTURES & EXAMS page 83 CEFR EXAM Audio on the HELBLING Media App ON Cyber Homework Audio ALL DIGITAL RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE VIA THE ACCESS CODE IN THE BOOK GRADED READERS 24 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

Level 1 · A1 Human interest · Love 84 pages ISBN 978-3-99045-797-9 THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL Oscar Wilde Adapted by Frances Mariani Recording in British English When the Fisherman catches a beautiful mermaid in his nets he falls in love with her. He wants to marry her but first he must send away his Soul. How can he send away his Soul? And can his body and Soul live apart? Find out in this beautiful story about the nature of love. Level 1 · A1 Friendship · Human interest 84 pages ISBN 978-3-99045-722-1 THE HAPPY PRINCE AND THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE Oscar Wilde Adapted by Maria Cleary Recording in British English In The Happy Prince a little swallow stops on its journey towards the sun and helps a big-hearted Prince to bring happiness to his people. In The Nightingale and the Rose a songbird understands more about love than a man does. Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Fantasy 84 pages ISBN 978-3-7114-0112-0 PETER PAN J. M. Barrie Adapted by Geraldine Sweeney Recording in British English Peter Pan visits the nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael, every night when they are sleeping. One night they wake up and Peter teaches them to fly. Together they fly off to NeverNever Land where they find the Lost Boys, mermaids, Indians and pirates. However, the leader of the pirates, the terrible Captain Hook, wants to kill Peter and capture the children. Can they defeat him and return home to their parents in London? A wide range of Before Reading activities introduce new words and practise the four language skills. After Reading activities develop understanding of the plot, theme and characters in the story. THE ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR DOLITTLE Hugh Lofting Adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne Recording in British English Doctor Dolittle is a kind country doctor who lives with his friends Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog and Polynesia the parrot as well as lots of other animals. One day, he gets a message from the monkeys in Africa. There is a bad sickness and they call the doctor for help. Can Doctor Dolittle save the monkeys? Who are the Joliginki? And what is the pushmi-pullyu? Join Doctor Dolittle on his adventures and find out. Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Animals 80 pages ISBN 978-3-71140-113-7 25 CLASSICS HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024

Level 1 - A1 Friendship · Human interest 84 pages ISBN 978-3-99045-871-6 THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER Mark Twain Adapted by Alex McLeod Recording in British English A prince and a poor boy meet. They look very similar and become friends. They want to understand each other’s lives so they exchange clothes. But the boys’ game soon becomes a reality. No one knows who is the prince and who is the pauper. Can Prince Edward and Tom Canty ever go back to their normal lives? THE RAILWAY CHILDREN Edith Nesbit Adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne Recording in British English Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis live happily in London with their parents. One day their father is taken to prison and the children move to the countryside with their mother to start a new life. There isn’t much money and the children are worried about their father. They spend a lot of time by the railway watching and waving at the trains that go to London. A nice old gentleman waves back and Bobbie has an idea. Find out in this fun story full of love and hope. Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Family 84 pages ISBN 978-3-99089-116-2 AUDIO ON APP ONLINE ACTIVITIES ON EDITH NESBIT CEFR A1 THE PHOENIX AND THE CARPET HELBLING READERS THE PHOENIX AND THE CARPET Edith Nesbit Adapted by Liz Uttley Recording in British English In this charming sequel to Five Children and It, the magical adventures of Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and ‘Lamb’, the baby, continue when the children find an egg in a new carpet. What happens when a phoenix hatches from the egg and tells them that the carpet can fly? Level 1 · A1 Adventure · Fantasy 84 pages ISBN 978-3-7114-0235-6 Characters - Character spreads present the people in each story and are ideal for before reading activities. Level 1 · A1 Horror · Mystery 92 pages ISBN 978-3-7114-0226-4 THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES Arthur Conan Doyle Adapted by Geraldine Sweeney Recording in British English Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead with the footprints of a huge dog beside his body. Everyone thinks that the hound of the Baskervilles, the terrible dog that has cursed the Baskerville family for centuries, is to blame. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson go to investigate the murder. Will they find the murderer before the last surviving member of the family is killed? MARCH 2024 GRADED READERS 26 HELBLING READERS CATALOGUE 2024