Technology and Digitalization World Makers

PROJECT-BASED LEARNING METHODOLOGY • An action (project) is presented as a stimulus. The project defines a learning situation that is familiar to students and that acts as a guiding thread through the unit. • Students need to learn content and develop skills to complete the project. Key concepts become tools for tackling the projects and reaching the students’ course objectives. • It encourages students’ creativity and cooperativework, with a final product that can be used and shared. CONNECTED TO REALITY • The aim is for students to understandwhat the real world is like and the challenges it poses. • Greater connection with the students’ reality. With relevant and real-life examples and advice on how to carry out the projects. • The focus is on key concepts for students’ learning. • Well-organised concepts with plenty of illustrations, diagrams, photographs, infographics, etc. 2 1 Technology 6